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Burkina Faso's Les Étalons to host Sierra Leone in Bamako, Mali

Burkina Faso’s Les Étalons to host Sierra Leone in Mali

Group A’s second-placed team, Burkina Faso’s Les Étalons, secured their first win in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers by defeating Ethiopia’s Walias on November 21, 2023, in Morocco after their opening draw with Guinea-Bissau. 

They are scheduled to host Sierra Leone at the Mar du 26 stadium in Bamako, Mali next month.

This upcoming match will be the second meeting between the two West African nations – with Sierra Leone having previously defeated Burkina Faso at the 1996 Cup of Nations in the Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein.

The fourth match day of Africa’s 2026 qualifiers is crucial for Sierra Leone, as they must avoid defeat to improve their chances of qualification. 

A strong Leone Stars side, mainly consisting of foreign-based players, is expected to be announced in the next coming days.

In the current standings, Egypt leads Group A with six points, followed by Burkina Faso and Guinea-Bissau with four points each. Sierra Leone and Ethiopia are tied on one point each, while Djibouti has no points after losing their first two games.

Read Related News –Burkina Faso Wallop Ethiopia to go second behind Egypt 

FIFA World Cup African Zone Group A table after the first two matches.
FIFA World Cup African Zone Group A table after the first two matches.

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