On Friday, a significant development unfolded for the Sierra Leone Football Association as their administrative office was ordered to be sealed by the High Court. This action is likely to have a substantial impact on the operations and activities of the association.
The football body revealed that law enforcement, acting on the High Court’s instructions, closed their office, leaving their staff unable to access the premises.
SLFA’s President Thomas Daddy Brima, currently with the Sierra Leone national team for World Cup qualifiers, has assured that the issue would be resolved swiftly and called on staff to respect court orders.
This follows a case involving allegations of match-fixing against former Internationals Ibrahim Koroma and Samuel Barley.
In 2014, both players were implicated in a match-fixing scandal resulting in their indefinite suspensions, along with 13 others. Solicitors to the claimants are unavailable for comments.
Meanwhile, Sierra Leone will face Burkina Faso on match day four, scheduled for Monday. All team activities will be outside the country, but the Secretariat’s functions will remain critical.
Winning at the Stade du 26 Mars would significantly enhance the Leone Stars’ chances of earning their first-ever World Cup appearance.